Occasionally I am hired to specifically create in a digital format. This includes photographic touch up and restoration, color correction, montage, and creating visuals that can only be achieved digitally. This work is enjoyably satisfying because I get to utilize the computer as a unique, and relatively new tool of artistic exploration. Though this process can be painstaking and costly, the results are very rewarding.

St. Huberts Press was publishing a novel about the mysteries surrounding a religious artifact that actually exists. Unfortunately, the only image of it available lacked its original splendor. I never expected myself to be a jeweler! (click on the image to see the changes...)

I designed Garrin Benfield's CD, No Where is Brighter, for eighthnote records. They wanted to use this photo for the cover, but his shirt didn't quite fit the mood, so...
Images I created for Club Zodiac.
Howard nearly gave me complete control (I love it when clients do that) when designing his business card in the artistic style of my good friend, Stevee Postman.
All content is © by RixArtz unless otherwise noted. Please obtain written permission before duplicating.